Sunday, June 20

Awesome new gear from 'tek,stijl

'tek,stijl is the latest new label to come out of Wellington. Designer, Michael Hambleton draws his inspiration from the 'urban nomad', dressing us for the everyday needs of the city - stepping easily from the corporate setting to the nightlife of the capital with an elegance, style and sophistication that shows real promise.

Michael tells us that the name 'tek,stijl comes from the phonetic spelling of the word 'textile', an important and inspiring part of any garment. He added the 'j' to the 'stil' part of the name, to recognise the dutch art movement 'De Stijl', a forerunner to Bauhaus - the pillar of modern design practice. Setting his commitment to well thought through design right from the start.

'tek,stijl has big plans and we're sure they'll go far. Great to see another start up with a commitment to the planet and to the local economy with all garments made locally. Here it is 'tek,stijl Winter 2010...

The complete range can be found on their website and their Facebook page. Orders can be placed direct at or on their new Facebook store.


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(c) Fashion Guru New Zealand 2010