Sunday, September 19

Six months of the Fashion Guru

Wow, hard to believe we made out first post six months ago today. It's been a busy old time with 226 posts on, we've posted 970 links on Facebook and 2,286 tweets. We started getting in on the fashion blogging scene a year ago, helping set up Gregory's got a Groupie - six short months later we set out to profile the best of Kiwi fashion. We hope we've done a good job - we really appreciate the friends who've come along to write for the Guru and the talented photographers who contribute, and - of course - the awesome labels and boutiques that we get to promote. A big thank you to you all.

Our first Fashion Week starts on Tuesday. We're stoked to be there and really looking forward to sharing the tremendous talent we'll see there - and continuing to share the best of Kiwi style and design for another six months and more. Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Twitter to catch the very latest news, collections, sales and anything else going on in New Zealand fashion. Better yet, get involved, submit your articles, reviews, collections and fashion news to  

Thanks again. Peace out. M+M and the Fashion Guru crew.

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(c) Fashion Guru New Zealand 2010