Tuesday, September 14

Really giving... Eshe Streetwear give us all a lesson

We've all been pretty focused on disasters lately - both at home in Christchurch and at various locations overseas. We've been the first to applaude the many Kiwis, fashion stores and labels that have made an effort to make a difference. Some have used it as a shameless marketing ploy whilst others have done their own thing without the fanfare.

The Government, friends, family and the rest are helping put Christchurch back on its feet although, as always, much aroha to those affected by the earthquake. Seeing stuff on our doorstep and the speed with which the rebuild and recovery is starting really reminds us how lucky we are here in New Zealand.

The recent quake in Pakistan left more than 4.6 million people without shelter! That's more than our entire population. The good folks over at Eshe Streetwear are looking to make a difference - we like that about them. They've designed and produced some great tees - many of which you've seen on the Guru (and some of which we've given away). Always ones to challenge, the latest design really reminds us of the many vultures ready to score a buck from a disaster. Makes you think aye?

What's so great about this tee? 80% of the cost (and all the profit) goes where it counts! The tees are $25 from Eshe Streetwear. Five bucks goes towards the cost of the tee - everything else goes to Non-believers Giving Aid to support the work of Medicins Sans Frontiere - Doctors Without Borders.

Good on ya guys.

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(c) Fashion Guru New Zealand 2010