Wednesday, August 18

Stolen Girlfriend's Club, Heavy Petal for the girls

OK, so these guys are so cool they even got a shout out from
Florence Welch at the Florence and the Machine concert
in Auckland. We'd say they need no introduction but hell, 
let's do it anyway!

Stolen Girlfriends Club is a clothing brand! Duh! 

We think it's one of THE Kiwi labels!

The awesome crew have built their unique style on a 
creative platform, filled with innovative ideas inspired 
by fashion, art, design and music. 

Their youthful, quirky and rebellious spirit knocks us for six 
in everything they do. And you know how much we love that 
their collections are all made here in NZ!

OK, needless introduction over, here's Heavy Petal for the girls.

Boys, your time will come, we promise!

Check out their website for the full Heavy Metal.

They're stocked all over the place now - from our own shores
through to Russia amongst a myriad of other worldwide destinations.

Get your lust on and get your Stolen Boyfriend's Club (nah we know,
but if Florence can do it, so can we!).



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