Saturday, August 21

Philippa&Alice - finalists going places...

We love it when our Facebook shout outs deliver something amazing. The latest label to pop up is the stunning Philippa&Alice and their debut collection. Designers Philippa Lake and Alice Howard met whilst completing their fashion degrees in Wellington. Having the same dreams of starting their own labels the pair decided to join forces and started up label Philippa&Alice early this year.

With a firm grounding from rigorous study in Massey University's Bachelor of Design, a background in fashion retail and internships at the likes of Lonely Hearts, Philippa and Alice at Philipa&Alice celebrate the era of the fashion blogger and their part as the new champion of a meritocratic design culture (and yes, we like the role we have in this picture).

The label draws upon the tension between the innocence and naivety of youth and the sometimes painful but necessary rites of passage to adulthood to explore the spectrum of the feminine aesthetic and identity. Bringing together the two very different but complementary aesthetics of the two designers to create a unique look consisting of very structured tailored pieces and some softer more feminine elements.

These girls are going to be worth watching, already you can pick up their awesome designs at new Greytown store Password Please... and will soon be available over their website(currently in development) For now, check out their Facebook page and give them a quick Like.

Philippa&Alice, along with a number of other friends of the Fashion Guru are finalists in the Westpac Young Fashion Designer Competition. Get yourself along there and share the love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thier clothes are stunning!!! May have to make a special trip to greytown to grab a few pieces!!!! Can't wait to see more from these two talents!!!!

(c) Fashion Guru New Zealand 2010