Friday, July 2

Rembrandt Goldeneye... You only live twice.

AAARRRRGGGHHH! Our previous post on Rembrandt just vanished into the depths of the world wide interweb. We're strong, we can handle it. Now, as we were saying, Daniel Craig may have been bringing a little attention to the world of James Bond of late but the man behind the myth is the inspiration for this latest collection. Ian Fleming real life spy fulfilled his dreams by retiring to Jamaica, now there's something to aspire to and be inspired by!

“Every person plans to run off to some tropical isle, but few do,” says Rembrandt designer Jonathan Hall. “Fleming had no limitations to making Jamaica his home; he purchased property, designed a house and set about doing paradise right,” he says. “The estate was like Fleming himself and everything I wanted this collection to be: simple, direct, lled with panache, character and elegance.” 

For the rst time, Rembrandt offers the waistcoat as a separate; dress it up with a Metropolis shirt and Kubrick trousers, or keep it relaxed with a Saddle shirt and Hoxton jeans. Compliment it all with Rembrandt's range of leather goods and their new range of belts. Casual classic belts are turned into sophisticated urban accessories, and like Fleming's love of authentic detail feature oil lined or feathered-edge leather, solid Italian brass buckles, are made in New Zealand and come in a range of styles that every man should own. They've got you covered!

All of this adds up to summer must haves essential for lounging in paradise, romancing women and chasing the sunset. Let the 007 in you out! Check out their current collection on the website, Goldeneye will be up soon enough! They've got stockists all over the show so finding your new gear should be no problem! XO M+M


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(c) Fashion Guru New Zealand 2010