Thursday, July 1

Awesome ESHE competition!

Did you check out our recent post on ESHE brand? ESHE (pronounced “ee-she”) is an awesome streetwear clothing company launched in 2008.

ESHE have got some awesome tees, sweatshirts and accessories in their current range and gave us an awesome sneak peak of next summer.  These guys have stormed away from the meaningless slogans we see on some of the mass produced gear to give us more than just another logo slapped on a hat. As we said last week, some cool shit here, and we've got some to give away!

This week and every week in July, one lucky Fashion Guru fan will win a tee from the current range. This week we have the ESHE Skully Black T-Shirt up for grabs - the homeboy of the ESHE range. These retail for $59 each - get one online if you can't wait!

To win this awesome tee, email with the answer to one simple question...

Which four artists feature in the ESHE Chroma Project?

Closing date is 7th July. Check out the current ESHE range at your local stockists.

Now don't forget to share the love and hit the Share  button to tell your friends about this comp - there're four tees up for grabs over the month of July - and you don't need them all!

We love you all. Good luck! ~Peace M+M

Oh yeah, the small print is here...

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