Wednesday, July 7

The fantabulous Lady Melbourne

OK, we may wear our heart on our tweets from time to time (if you don't tweet, start now) but the other day - OK yesterday, the delightful razzlesazzle put us onto Lady Melbourne.

Lady Melbourne is a fashion blogger across the ditch, on the ball with all things style related, she has something to teach us all in looking sharp, styley and desirable! Winner of the Best Fashion Blog at the Asia-Pacific Blog Awards, Lady Melbourne aka Phoebe Montague is definitely a Fashion Guru!

Phoebe's fashion advice and tips go from the latest designer collections to taking that old dress of Nana's and turning it into the ultimate outfit. This girl has got it going on!

Lady M has her finger well and truely on the pulse of Aussie fashion. If there's one fashion blog you're going to follow (other than us of course), get yourself across to We'll be watching her, and maybe sharing the odd tip with you.


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