Sunday, April 25

Eco-fashion - looking good sustainably

OK, we live in clean, green NZ and the impact of each and everyone of us on the planet is a big deal. We can all do something that makes a difference. With Earth Day just gone, we thought we'd do something thinking about what we can do to save the planet while looking good.

McCaulay is big on thinking about his ecological footprint - he won't even eat meat because of it!  We're not going to suggest everyone gives up their steak and snags but here are our tips for making your personal style a little more eco-friendly and taking the leap into eco-fashion.
  1. Swish your clothes. Swishing is swapping clothes - clearing out the stuff you don't wear and getting your hands on some hot new(ish) gear. Check out our friends at iSwish and find some guilt-free items for your wardrobe.
  2. Check out the local op shops. We've made some amazing finds in the op shops around New Zealand - some of the small town ones really hold some amazing finds, make it part of your next road trip!
  3. Check out the amazing range of cool second hand gear available online, we really rate Gran's loose change although there's also some great stuff on TradeMe.
  4. Buy New Zealand made. Many of the great Kiwi labels featured on the Fashion Guru design and manufacture here - not only does this cut the carbon miles but it keeps New Zealanders working AND ensures better quality products.  Give it some thought.
  5. Find a good tailor/seamstress who can re-work your old favorites! If you love it and look good in it, make sure you can keep wearing it. (Thanks Michael for that great pointer).
So there you have it, our top 5 tips for looking good whilst saving the planet. Love to hear some more and don't forget to check out the brands on the Fashion Guru who are using local and recycled materials, making sure that they make a difference and make you look good.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Eco-fashion seems to be big in NZ. We've heard so much about it from our friends on Facebook and Twitter since making this post. Check out for some great examples of how Natureshop are making sure they are as enviro-friendly as possible!


(c) Fashion Guru New Zealand 2010