Tuesday, April 6

tobe - is it really the end of the Chuck?

Those nice guys over at tobe (the footwear people we featured a couple of posts ago), have sent through some great pics of their shoes - give us all a taster for what's coming later this month at the Pop-Up shops in Auckland and Wellington.  Don't forget that if you rock up with a pair of Chucks they'll knock 20 bucks off your bill!

Ok, ok, enough teasing here come some closeups (or you can click here for all the details).

OK now we know you're hooked so get yourself to the Pop-Up shops... 
  • Aucklanders get to 323 Queen Street between 12 and 7pm on the 24th April
  • Wellingtonians get to the corner of Wigan and Taranaki Street between 12 and 7pm on the 16th, 17th, or 18th April
  • Everyone else, get a plane ticket if you want to take advantage of their Give Us Your Chucks for Twenty bucks deal!

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