Monday, April 19

Wear it. We'ar yoga clothing

Looking for something a little bit different? We'ar have some great clothing that will take you from the Yoga studio to the street.  We really like it.  And its great to see another brand with some deep philosophical roots.  We'ar craft clothes from natural fibres that enhance rather than restrict the individual's freedom and true expression.  They plant a seed from which our forest of dreams can grow. 

We'ar ask when we ceased to be citizens and become consumers? Saying: u'r more than that. u'r perfection. u'r creation itself. Every breath taken and every purchase made is a stone dropped in the shared waters of our universe. the ripples of your decisions effect everything. Life lives on life. We all eat and are eaten. Let's feast in gratitude, and nourish one another. Let's drop the right stones. An awesome philosophy we think.

The great we'ar range can be purchased all over the world, from their HQ in Auckland or at the online store. Check out their site for more of the range, their philosophy or some of the better yoga studios.


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