Friday, May 14

Fashion gets Eco-ethical

OK, so if you've been listening to us rave for a while, you may have picked up that one thing we love almost as much as you and fashion is the planet. And how great i it to see HOW BIG IS YOUR ECO? As they put it, the eco-ethical fashion directory - sustaining the labels that sustain your world.  How much does that rock?

This is the one place (well, other than here), to find out just which brands are joining with us to make a difference bringing style and eco-ethics together.  We love the idea, you should too. Get over there and check out the great labels on there (make sure you suggest all the great sustainable Kiwi labels to include in the directory).  Featured label right now is Sosume...

Make your way over to HOW BIG IS YOUR ECO - you won't be disappointed. And yeah, let's get a few more Kiwi labels on there, show the Aussie brothers how it's done.


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