Tuesday, May 4

Fair Trade - make a difference

It's Fair Trade Fortnight! Fair Trade is about making sure that the people in the developing world that produce much of the stuff in Kiwi homes and workplaces get a fair deal. Whether it's bananas, chocolate or the really important stuff like er... clothes, we've all got a choice and that choice can make a real difference in the world.

There're some really great Kiwi labels that support Fair Trade - we've already covered many of them in our postings (more on them in a second) - but what is it they're doing?  Well...
  1. They're paying a fair minium price to the producers
  2. They're paying a premium to support community activities like health clinics
  3. They're making sure the workers have rights
  4. They're enabling long-term trading partnerships to develop
  5. They're respecting the local environment
That's 5 (and there are more) pretty great reasons to buy Fair Trade. So get your A into G and check out some of the great Kiwi labels using Fair Trade fabrics...

Feeling inspired? Check out their websites or get down to Starfish, they've got 10% off some of their Fair Trade products.  

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(c) Fashion Guru New Zealand 2010