Friday, April 30

Mardle Menswear - coming soon...

Just a heads up for all you fashion fiends out there, Shiana Weir is soon to release her first menswear range. Her Mardle women's range last summer was pretty cool and we're expecting some great things. Watch this space.

Vampires and Serpents - that's one Crowded Elevator

OK, so last Friday we were being chased around a maze by zombies, was kinda fun. Well, OK the girls that screamed stop at every moment may have ruined it just a little. Some great preparation for Crowded Elevator's dark new Winter collection. Built around the concept of Vampires and Serpents, the team have certainly explored a darker part of the human psyche and we like!
The full Crowded Elevator range can be found on their website and in stockists nationwide. Can't wait, get to their online shop, feel free to buy a piece or two for us.


Thursday, April 29

complexgeometries - perpetual leisure

complexgeometries bring us their latest collection - perpetual leisure, something we can all dream about.

Like it? Buy online or from Children of Vision in Auckland, Good As Gold in Wellington or Plume in Dunedin and Christchurch.


Trix and Dandy - real eye candy

Michael Pattison's Trix and Dandy is definitely a label to add to your shopping list. Michael has drawn his inspiration from the stunning outfits of 1950s clubland Chicago to deliver style with a wicked retro flair. Trix and Dandy are hot and the garments are sophisticated, fun, and colourful.

Trix and Dandy is stocked nationwide, you can see the full collection on their website (and buy direct if you choose). This collection definitely has sex appeal, be nice to us and we might just put up the guyswear too.


Wednesday, April 28

We're saying nothing!

AussieBum. No explanation needed.

OK, we're just gonna post some pics, pick your pants guys. OK, we know guys never buy their own underwear. Girls pick the ones for your man. And for the record, how weird is the banana fibre thing?

AussieBum can probably be bought all over the place but with free worldwide shipping why not just go online...  


Summer's coming...twenty-seven names

OK, so its getting colder, the nights are getting darker. Thought we'd give you a sneak preview of twenty-seven names new Summer 2010/11 range. A chance to think about the warmth that will return one day!

We'll give you a bigger rundown on the new collection later. In the meantime, Winter 2010 Butter not Bombs can be seen in another posting or you can get to a store near you.


Tuesday, April 27 - swishing is clothes swapping and iswish offers more!!

We posted on sustainability in fashion the other day and one of our tips was to check out iSwish.  Today, the girls from iSwish give us a rundown on swishing...

Heard of Swishing? Its all the rage and its now here in New Zealand in the form of iSwish. Swishing is clothes swapping and iSwish offers its members the opportunity to swap clothes, shoes & accessories online. Whats even better is that is it free to join, list items and its free to swap items with just the cost of postage to worry about. iSwish promotes sustainability and encourages you to upgrade your wardrobe of items you don’t wear and swap them for items you will!

On the site you will find items from vintage fashiondesigner dresses and maternity, to bags , shoes and sunglasses. Free for you to grab when you swap it with something of your own! 

Since it is free to swishiSwish gives you a great excuse to experiment with clothes. Find your own personal style and wear clothes, shoes and accessories that fit your personality, lifestyle and body shape. 

The iSwish mirror match tool helps you search for clothes by body type as well as size by searching for other members with the same body dimensions as yourself. But don't worry your measurements are kept confidential!

Also check out the new designer room! If helping your bank balance and environment wasn’t enough, you can also help women in need. In the iSwish designer room Kiwi designers have donated items which can be bought, or you can donate credits directly to Dress For Success for them to purchase items of need.

Check out these ecofabulous designer items up for grabs:

Socialise. Bargain Hunt. Shop Guilt Free.

Proud supporters of Dress For Success Auckland

Monday, April 26

Earthage - Homegrown, homespun, hometown Kiwi threads

We may be on a bit of a roll here but hey when you hit a good thing, stick with it. Earthage are an awesome eco-friendly label coming out of Auckland. Not only do these guys look at the impact their clothing is having on the planet, they remind us of the impact we're having on the earth AND give back to help save those we share the planet with!  All that AND some awesome looking gear. We can't think of a better reason to start shopping - look good and feel good!

The Earthage website will be going live soon at Until then flick them an email on with any orders or enquiries.



Sunday, April 25

Eco-fashion - looking good sustainably

OK, we live in clean, green NZ and the impact of each and everyone of us on the planet is a big deal. We can all do something that makes a difference. With Earth Day just gone, we thought we'd do something thinking about what we can do to save the planet while looking good.

McCaulay is big on thinking about his ecological footprint - he won't even eat meat because of it!  We're not going to suggest everyone gives up their steak and snags but here are our tips for making your personal style a little more eco-friendly and taking the leap into eco-fashion.
  1. Swish your clothes. Swishing is swapping clothes - clearing out the stuff you don't wear and getting your hands on some hot new(ish) gear. Check out our friends at iSwish and find some guilt-free items for your wardrobe.
  2. Check out the local op shops. We've made some amazing finds in the op shops around New Zealand - some of the small town ones really hold some amazing finds, make it part of your next road trip!
  3. Check out the amazing range of cool second hand gear available online, we really rate Gran's loose change although there's also some great stuff on TradeMe.
  4. Buy New Zealand made. Many of the great Kiwi labels featured on the Fashion Guru design and manufacture here - not only does this cut the carbon miles but it keeps New Zealanders working AND ensures better quality products.  Give it some thought.
  5. Find a good tailor/seamstress who can re-work your old favorites! If you love it and look good in it, make sure you can keep wearing it. (Thanks Michael for that great pointer).
So there you have it, our top 5 tips for looking good whilst saving the planet. Love to hear some more and don't forget to check out the brands on the Fashion Guru who are using local and recycled materials, making sure that they make a difference and make you look good.


Saturday, April 24

NOM*D Winter 2010 - Turncoats

NOM*D has created an iconic image on the Kiwi fashionscape. Since 1986, they've been one of those unique labels that have redefined the Kiwi look, providing us with real style without being subject to the fads and whims.  The Dunedin based NOM*D have continued their dark and wittily sombre approach this season with Turncoats.

NOM*D can be found in stores across New Zealand and Australia, check out their website for the full Winter 2010 range - you will love it, as a fellow fashion fiend said 'it's f***ing cool, full of velvet and s**t'.  NOM*D can also be found online at General Cucumber.


Friday, April 23

Uge - French fashion making it downunder

When footballer Eugene Dadi married Jazz singer Joana Varela da Veiga, it was more than just love. It was a marriage that saw French football flair combine with performance style as well as a shared passion for fashion, to produce an elegant clothing label “Uge.” 

“Uge” in Europe has become synonymous with elegance and sophistication.  The T-shirts, which are designed in France, and manufactured by a Perth-based company, have a sophistication and style that makes them acceptable as day or eveningwear.

The current range of designs are available on the Uge website.  Oh, by the way Uge is pronounced like the word Huge without the H.



Thursday, April 22

A new flag for NZ

OK, we're not political animals so having an opinion on a new flag for Aotearoa seems like a step too far.  That said, we love the design put together by the ELUSIV crew.

While we're at it, they've got some great new jackets for these colder nights.  Check 'em.

Kathryn Wilson - shoes to kill for.

Hey girls, if you're looking for bold, high fashion shoes that are gonna blow your girlfriends away we think we've found just the designer!  Kathryn Wilson has delivered a winter range with a more sophisticated edge.  Rock chic is the only way to describe this new range with chains, sequins, zips - this season is gonna totally rock.

The complete Kathryn Wilson range can be found on the website, and you'll find stockists nationwide.  And for those who just can't face walking to the shops without a stunning pair of Kathryn Wilson heels, you can buy online. This new collection really is worth killing for - get yours tomorrow!


Wednesday, April 21

Doosh, pushing out the style

Streetwear label Doosh (rhymes with 'push') has been a part of Kiwi urban fashion since its inception during the nineties. They consistently keep ahead of the game with a distinctive, confident and edgy style coupled with an attitude that's fierce, independent and unique.  Doosh keep their finger on the pulse, evolving to meet our needs.  Winter 2010 continues their work so well...

The full Doosh Winter 2010 range can be found on their website, stockists are pretty much everywhere or you can of course buy online.  


(c) Fashion Guru New Zealand 2010