Tuesday, March 8

First Thursdays - 3rd March 2011

Already onto its fifth event, First Thursdays has come a long way since its little spot in St. Kevin's Arcade on K'Road. Now with other venues included such as Te Karanga Gallery, Verona Cafe, Iron Bank, Le Gonda Arcade and Cross Street, First Thursdays has become a huge success in their efforts in showcasing all kinds of creative art forms. As a result it has deeply contributed towards K'Road's creative culture.

Among the art & craft stalls within St. Kevin's Arcade, First Thursdays delivered a mini Zinefest, 3D artworks at Rebel Yell, spoken word at Verona Cafe and street performances on K'Road.

Included also was a fashion show, live painting from Askew One and a live broadcast by KFM on Cross Street.

While at Iron Bank there was interactive art, opera & other musical performances including the band Heart Attack Alley.

With so many different mini-events, people were welcomed and had the freedom to come and go through each one.

With First Thursdays now happening quarterly, the evening unites a variety of unique personalities and interests, turning a typical Thursday evening on K'Road into a festive opening of inspirational fun, shopping, sound, colour, and networking. It pretty much is everything and anything which can entertain your creative senses.

Sin-Mae Chung
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