Friday, November 12

Agatha Paris Winner

We had some gorgeous entries to the Agatha Paris competition this month. Great to see such a cool boutique and such great accessories attracting all the attention. Thanks Agatha Paris for giving us the chance to help celebrate your first birthday.

Our winner scores these cute Scottie Dog Hair Clips...

We have to say, we loved your answers - cities ranged across the globe (as did entries with Fashion Guru fans from as far away as the Netherlands sharing their favourite city). But in the end we can have only one winner.

Well done to Kylie Walker. She really mixed it up...

"It's more like three cities combined. Wellington, my hometown, which forces me to wear my hair bureacratically tidy in deference to its wind but also fosters my Henry Ford-esque attitude to black; Dunedin, my home away from home, to provide some indie chic (whilst reminding me of my grunge-filled formative years). And for good measure Paris, inspiring me to mix and match tart with sweet and romanticise the harsh realities of inner-city life. Some times the latter is New York but this week it's Paris. Ohh la la."

Thanks Kylie. We'll announce our next competition soon. Love to you all. M+M

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