Tuesday, October 12

Get your hands on some SLEAZE!

Sleaze Clothing is a great new tee label coming out of Auckland. We asked the boys to tell us a little about themselves, we got this...

We like leather pants. We like long hair. We like GIRLS. 

We like that we don't bother voting. We like bandanas. 

We like trashing our hotel rooms. 

We like watching PORN. We like growing a beard. We like MOTLEY CRUE
We like smashing empty bottles. We like trying to act sober to get into a bar. 

We like travelling third world countries. We like HANK MOODY. 

We like that we don't stand in lines. We like mistreating rental cars. 

We like peeing on the floor in flash establishments. We like one night stands. 

We like stealing the neighbours newspaper. We like Rock n Roll. 

We like 'taking up' smoking in Bali because it's cheap. We like tattoos. 

We like screeching along to songs. 

We like that we don't know what we did last night.

They like a lot. We like their tees. Hope you do too cos we've got a few to give away!

OK, so you want one yeah? Get yourself to our Sleaze Facebook album, and make a comment on the tee you want. Tell us why the hell we should give it to you. Our favourite three will get a tee each. Usual terms and conditions apply.

Check out more from the Sleaze crew at www.sleazeclothing.co.nz.

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