Thursday, February 17

LOWER - Surf is Dead!

OK, back to our Mount fetish and the very latest from the kids at LOWER.  Apparently 'Surf is Dead', we hope not and judging by these threads, LOWER is very much alive. Enjoy!

To get your hands on these threads, you can buy online or get to your nearest stockist. As always, the full collection is on the LOWER website.

Tuesday, February 15

Meadowlark - Stella Vespertina

The latest Meadowlark collection is available for pre-order now! Some beautiful pieces for you to check out. This  collection is comprised of curves, cuts, facets and patterns in sterling silver and precious and semi-precious stones. Crystal shards, hanging bats, flowing banners and detailed
Byzantine design are the mystical themes across a mix of bold statement jewellery and smaller,
subtler pieces.

Like their namesake the Evening Star, these amulets have a certain carnal countenance,
imbedded with both beauty and power.

Let the Stella Vespertina be your guiding light this Winter...

Get yourself to their website now and be the first to sport this great collection. Or wait a while and visit your local stockist!

Thursday, February 10

Deryn Schmidt - Nana knows best.

The lovely talent that is Deryn Schmidt is back with her latest collection - named thanks to Nana's old dressmaking books.  The Golden Rule continues to show Deryn's love for colour and natural fabrics. The latest collection looks amazing and we hear its great to wear.

The warm colours are really going to brighten the grey cold months ahead. we love the use of gold, burnt orange, red and coral tones to compliment the winter greys, charcoals and blacks.

Deryn points out that ‘The Golden Rule’ as it most commonly recognised, as an ethical code. It states that one has a right to just treatment, and responsibility to ensure justice for others. It is best interpreted as saying: ‘Treat others only as you consent to being treated in the same situation’. Great way to live we think.

To see the full collection, visit the website or your local stockist. We're looking forward to seeing these threads out on the streets this winter. 

Wednesday, February 9

Kowtow finds an Equilibrium

Fashion Guru favourite Kowtow, the kids that love style, fashion and the planet, have their latest collection hitting stores soon. ‘Equilibrium’  is inspired by Antoni Gaudi’s architectural works, his philosophies and creative ideas.

This is Kowtow's biggest ever collection and includes a great selection of layering pieces - their 'Building Blocks' - all of which are of course fairtrade and organic. We like!

The new gear will be in their online store and in all Kowtow stockists by the end of the month. We know you'll love this latest collection - a perfect start for your winter wardrobe.

Tuesday, February 8

MisteR heads overseas...

Great to hear that the Phoenix Foundation are heading off overseas - kitted out by the guys over at MisteR. But then who wouldn't be? Check out our post on MisteR and get your gear over on their online store.

Tuesday, February 1

Have you met Miss Wilson?

We're sure Kathryn Wilson needs no introduction. Check out the new Diffusion Line, bringing Kathryn Wilson style to a wider audience of girls who are fashion savvy and aspirational. We know you'll love Miss Wilson...

Check out the complete collection, get to a stockist or buy online.
(c) Fashion Guru New Zealand 2010